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Updating Firmware (E2 & ECore)

This article contains the following sections:

Checking Your Emblaser’s Controller Firmware Version:

You can check your current Controller Firmware version by typing ‘version’ in the LightBurn Console tab, and pressing the enter key. Your Emblaser will return a few lines of information including the current firmware version, likely as ‘DL126’, ‘v126’ or similar.

Note: versions prior to v123 will require the ‘Old Controller Firmware Method’, detailed further down the page. If you have the older version the Emblaser will show up as a USB drive.

Updating The Controller Firmware:

  1. Download the latest Controller Firmware for your machine: LINK
  2. Unzip the downloaded firmware file.
  3. Turn on your machine and start LightBurn.
  4. From the menu bar, select: Emblaser > Update > Upload Controller firmware
  5. From the dialog window, navigate to your downloaded file named ‘firmware.bin‘. 
    Press [open] to proceed.

    LightBurn will upload the firmware to your machine. Once completed, your Emblaser will restart and be ready.

Updating The WiFi Firmware:

  1. Download the latest WiFi Firmware for your machine LINK
  2. Turn on your machine and start LightBurn.
  3. From the menu bar, select: Emblaser > Update > Update Emblaser WiFi Devices
  4. After the scan is complete, select the IP address of your machine and press [Update WiFi Firmware].
  5. A browser window will open and request a username and password.
    Username = admin | Password = admin
  6. Click [Select File] and navigate to the firmware file you downloaded, then click [Update].
  7. Wait for the browser to present the message ‘Update Successful‘, then restart your Emblaser.

Updating Old (Pre DL123) Controller Firmware:

If you have an older version of the Controller Firmware the Emblaser will show up as a USB drive on your computer.

  1. Download the current firmware zip file for your machine and extract the contents to the desktop of your computer.
    Current Firmware Version: LINK
  2. Turn on your Emblaser2 and wait for the Emblaser2 SD drive to appear.
  3. Rename the extracted Firmware file to ‘Firmware.bin’, then copy this and the on_boot.gcode file from the extracted Firmware folder onto the Emblaser2 SD drive. Overwrite any files as requested.
  4. Restart your Emblaser 2 by pressing the power button to turn it off, wait a few seconds and then turn back on.

    The firmware will be automatically updated. This may take a few seconds. When complete, your Emblaser2 will perform its startup homing sequence and issue two short beeps when completed.

Trouble Updating Controller Firmware:

Please check your Controller Firmware version and insure you are using the correct update method for the version currently installed on your machine. If your Emblaser appears as a USB drive on your computer, use the ‘Updating Old (Pre DL123) Controller Firmware’ instructions.

For other issues updating, please insure you have extracted the zip file containing the firmware.

If you continue to experience issues, please contact support@darklylabs.com with your current firmware version and any steps tried/error encountered.
